Tuesday, August 19, 2014

San Francisco!

As you may (or may not) know already, my older sister lives in San Francisco where she goes to school and works. I visited her for a week about a week ago (SORRY FOR THE LATE POST </3) But here's a bulk of my trip!
Casually posing on a dock in the Bay. Prior to this, we shopped on Haight street. Pics of my finds to come soon :)

Some random fisherman on the dock let Nikki hold the crabs he caught! It was so cool to see all the old men with their fishing poles just hanging out catching dinner. We were tempted to go to a thrift shop and buy fishing poles ourselves!

Sista love (always in my ice blue Zeal sunnies)

We walked down Market street and when we sat down by a underground bus station, the upwards view was pretty radical. 

The next day we hit up China town! You always have to take a photo at the Dragon gates with these sassy statues. 

After Chinatown, we were walking up to Coit tower and saw this awesome decoration. I don't even know what the building was, but it reminded me of a short film my AP Literature teacher showed us in the last few weeks of school.

Different view of all the books strung up high in the sky.

Coit tower from the bottom looking up!

My pretty sis at the top of the hill that the tower sits on

Me lookin cute on the top of the hill haha

Hey, I can see the Bay bridge from here!

I mainly took a photo of this because you're not supposed to take flash photography and also how creepy does that child look? This was inside the bottom of the Coit tower. 
Coit tower from the top looking down!

Sister pics at the top of the tower

Beautiful views of the City on the Bay from the top of Coit tower

I wore high socks with cutout shoes I am a dork haha

Walking up to Coit tower was hard but walking down from it was slightly dangerous with these steep hills!

Later, we went to one of the museums observatory towers and of course I had to take a selfie haha

The next day, we went to one of Nikki's classes, and then hit the Fisherman's Warf. We, of course, got bread bowls from the Boudin bakery, walked up and down the shops there, and went on the San Francisco Dungeon Tour, which was so awesome. The actors there are really fantastic and committed and know their stuff. It was an entertaining/freaky history lesson! We also went shopping for the rest of that day to my delight. We went to Union Square, and so many of the shops there were built so long ago that I was captivated by the clothes and also the architecture. 

A shot of the ceiling of one of the two Forever 21's down there

The day after that, Nikki and I holed up in her apartment and watched an entire season of America's Next Top Model. (Cycle 12 in case you were wondering) We ordered pizza and stayed in our pajamas and laid around all day. I haven't had that lazy of a day in weeks!! 

Anyways, my time in San Francisco was super fun and all the food we ate was delish! Tell me what your favorite place to visit is in the comments, I think mine is San Fran after this trip!!

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