Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Having a MAGICal time!

Yes, I used that tacky pun. But as you fashionistas are well aware, MAGIC is the trade show that happens in Las Vegas twice a year and is the largest men and women's contemporary fashion trade show in the whole world. And, since I have an amazing job, I was fortunate enough to attend for free! My favorite part was WWDMagic, which is the women's showroom at the Las Vegas Convention Center venue. Honestly, that showroom is like heaven. I got my badge scanned and looked up to see nothing but booths on booths of clothes that haven't hit stores yet. I wish they all did Cash-And-Carry because wholesale prices are so much cheaper than retail prices!

I've also decided that I want to start my own online shop. I have the resources to go to these shows, but I think the hardest part of starting an online shop will be the start up costs. I need to set aside a few hundred dollars, but it's a risk I am so willing to take.

Walking along the showroom floors, I just felt so incredibly comfortable. Going up to booths that grabbed my interest, asking questions to the vendors about their products just felt so natural to me. Here are some photos from my 2 days at MAGIC:

My badge!

The Sourcing convention was seemingly endless. There were about 9 USA booths. So disappointing!! Get it together, Merica.

Fashion Snoops F/W 15/16 Trends seminar

Hanging with my homegurls on the WWD floor!

S/S 15 trends! The presenter for this seminar was the best. This was my favorite seminar I attended during the whole convention. 

The Pool Trade Show floor was awesome!! Every booth was fun and lively. Surprisingly not all bathing suits though.

Walking into the FN Platform they had this clever spot for photos. Like my new white Oxfords? Shoe creds to the Goodwill on Haight St (:

1/4th of the FN Platform... All the floors were HUGE!

Awesome Denim history lesson displayed in a hallway

LVCC decked out for MAGIC 

I'm sad that I was only able to attend for 2 days, because by day 3 I was ready to make a purchase for my shop-to-be! That's okay, it'll be back in Vegas in February, and I'll be ready with a domain name, a business plan, mood boards, social media, everything that I need to be ready with so that these companies take me seriously and want their items to be on my store. I have no clue what I'm going to call it or what styles I'll be selling.... But that's beside the point. All things start with an idea, and that just so happens to be the phase I'm at right now. 

They had so many free resource magazines and printed information, so I grabbed all of it. I have 5 lbs of information to read in the next few months so I don't go in blind! 

If you read my blog, please refer me to your friends. I want to have a huge fan base! Let's interact! Follow me on twitter and instagram, listed in the sidebar of my blog. 

Leave your favorite style to wear in the comments on this post, I want to get to know my followers. (: 

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