Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fran's Classy Baby Shower!!

I was very excited to join my friend and coworker, Fran, in celebrating the bundle of joy she is about to bring into the world tonight!! She will be having a baby girl in the next few months. She had her baby shower at Scullery downtown and it was hella classy. Here's a photo of (almost) the whole Stitch Factory team supporting our lovely coworker!!

Fran is on the far right, next to me, in black. (: I'm so excited for her and her husband to become parents because I know that little girl is going to grow up in a home full of love! Congratulations to the new family.
Something funny that happened actually was that Jillian and Jen (the two blondes in the above photo) pointed out that Rachel, Haley and I were all matching, wearing various forms of black and white stripes! 

So of COURSE we had to take an "Omg we're accidentally matching!!" photo. Before leaving, I had the hardest time picking out an outfit though. I laid two out on my bed and sent a photo of the options to 3 friends to figure out what I should wear. Here were the options:

In the end, the outfit on the right won, but I don't have a well endowed chest to be able to hold that strapless dress up because it's so loose at the top! So I ended up wearing the stripe dress (clearly haha). 

Outfit details:
Striped Dress: Styles for Less
Pendant Necklace: Hand-Me-Down from my sister Nikki
Steve Madden electric blue shoes: Platos Closet

1 comment:

  1. It's really a good view. I think my baby shower dress from last year should still be good for this year. And it's really collection. All these baby shower dress make me wish for warmer weather. Thank you so much for this article.


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