Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25

Today, again, was just a casual wear day because I knew I had to do a LOT of things in preparation for college today. For those of you that don't know, I will be attending the College of Southern Nevada in the fall to get my associate's degree in Art, and from there will be transferring to California State University, Long Beach to accomplish my Bachelor's in Fashion Merchandising. So, with that being unnecessarily said, here's what I wore today:
Front and back (side?) views of my outfit. I need to start being ready earlier because I always take my outfit photos before work in the morning, and they always end up a little rushed. They'll get better, don't worry!! 

Describe a Las Vegas summer in 3 words: cutoffs and desertscape.

The shoes you wear, in my opinion, can make or break your outfit. Today was clearly a very Western-inspired outfit, so I opted for my Aldo ankle boots. I actually snagged these for only $10 at Plato's Closet- I probably saved like a solid $90! 

One of my favorite (and noisiest) necklaces. Its by Premier Jewelry, my cousin is a rep for them and got this for a birthday or something of mine. Also shout out to my nails for actually looking nice!!

Today, my boss let me off work early so I could turn in some college paperwork. At UNLV, I turned in my withdrawl form but I got SO lost trying to find the correct building and I was frustrated to the point of fake tears haha. Anyways, I got that taken care of and then drove straight to CSN to turn in some forms I needed. The guy there was so helpful and nice and I would shout him out if I knew his name but good luck in Med School whatever your name is! 

After that, I got home and immediately registered for my classes so that I could get a decent schedule. I'll be going to school 3 days a week (bless). I'll be going to school Monday and Wednesday from 4-9, and on Saturday from 9-12:30. 

Okay, enough of that boring stuff. After I did that frustrating stuff, Kamryn, Erin and I went out to do hoodrat stuff. Just kidding! (Sorta) Kamryn got her nose peirced and we all bought 79 cent slushes at Sonic lol. It was a lot of fun being with people that you don't have to feel self conscious around and can just talk and laugh easily with. Here's a really cute pic of us:  

That was sarcasm, this photo is actually awful but we all have our nose pierced on the same side now!!!

Anyways, what is your favorite place to go with your friends? Let me know in the comments (:

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